February 8, 2010

Travel Obsession #6

Nintedno DSi: I realize that I am 23 years old, but even grown ups have to have fun. Although this device is marketed more towards kiddos, I use it when I don’t want to be on my computer anymore, ie. I’m done messing around on facebook and reading blogs, I just want to relax and rest my brain. My favorite games: Sims Castaway Island 2 and Brain Craze, choc full of Sudoku, vocabulary words and other brain teasers for the over 18 range… My DS also has the capability to go online so that I can download other games from Nintendo.com!


  1. Try the Professor Layton games (there are at least two of them). Lots of brain teaser puzzles to solve. Will definitely keep you busy during your travels!

  2. You just made me really want a nintendo ds... it would be great for my train rides!! :)

  3. You should definitely get one!! They even have cooking games..... you could show off your expertise!
