March 17, 2010

"It is the Greatest City of All Time"

Quick Cliff Notes update for my two week hiatus! Sorry I’ve been MIA for two weeks- not even a picture update! You’d think I was dead… well, I felt like I was. I had to take a week off from the road last week thanks to a nasty bout of bronchitis, an ear infection and also (yes, there’s an also) laryngitis. No talking for 10 days. 10 DAYS. As one friend put it, “it must’ve been harder not to talk for a whole week than to be stuck at home for a week.” True statement. So, basically, I took a week off to rest, recuperate and get my voice back. Boise, I LOVED you, but you got me sick… well, sort of. Special thanks to the two Doctors I visited, the grape cough medicine with codeine, and my boss, for giving me time to rest up last week.

Thankfully though, I’m back on the road and in San Diego and feeling infinitely better. Ron Burgundy so lovingly proclaims that, “it is a fact, [San Diego] is the greatest city of all time.” I don’t know if I will go that far, but I will say that being here makes it hard to focus on the work at hand thanks to the endless sunshine and ocean breeze. I’m not sure what is better; working with the lovely group here at the University of San Diego, or just being in this wonderful city. Walking across campus or down in Old Town, you get potent wafts of the old eucalyptus and pepper trees that line the streets, sometimes mixing with the smell of fresh corn tortillas if you happen to be walking by a Mexican taqueria, which there are many of in San Diego*. The ocean is never too far from sight, and the sun literally glistens across the surface. The fact that your senses are practically dancing with happiness at the brilliant sights, smells and tastes that San Diego has to offer, only adds to your positive mood during each day.

These next few days I have my evenings free, meaning that I’m going to begin my search for San Diego’s best beach to watch the sunset. As mentioned in earlier posts on this blog, the further west you go, the better the sunset, I think. So clearly, I have some photographic research to create to prove my point to you. Van Morrison on the radio, and windows rolled down, I’m sure to find the best beach this week, or at least one I like very much.

When not beach cruising, I’ll be sitting in the sun, conducting my meetings with members from The Organization, who naturally, are all beautifully tanned after a weeklong Spring Break. Jealous. This trip to USD makes me feel like I’m on Spring Break though because the weather is so great!

Return for best beach update later this week!

*Mexican Food is the BEST in Southern California, especially San Diego.

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