March 2, 2010

It's Worth It

I was talking with a friend last night about how much we were going to miss our jobs when we complete our contracts in mere weeks from now. Working for The Organization has been a priceless experience; worth the delays at airports and lost luggage, worth catching the flu twice this year and living out of a suitcase and on a tight budget, worth the time away from close friends and family. It’s been worth all of this for one thing- watching the development of The Organization. Oh, and the frequent flier points too.

Tonight I met with a handful of women, meeting after meeting after meeting (this is what I do during every visit, just in case you were curious), who all talked to me about finances, or of event planning, of ordering t-shirts or picking the perfect theme for their party. However no meeting was more meaningful to me than the discussion I had with one young woman about The Organization’s Ritual. I know, I know, corny as it sounds, but it was a conversation that I often have at each chapter, that truly means a lot to me. Each time the conversation is different, but the message about what is most important to The Organization remains the same. Obviously, because it is our Ritual I cannot share it with you Reader, but I can tell you one thing; I’m going to miss having this conversation at work on a regular basis.

At what other job would I get this opportunity? The opportunity I’m talking about is the one where I get to engage in a conversation with someone and discuss the importance of our shared values, the meaning of our membership and Ritual, the bonds that we share beyond our mere friendship, the importance of those three special letters. You could argue, I guess, that you could have that same conversation in any workplace whose corporate culture you admired and enjoyed, because really, there are some folks out there who feel just as strongly about their company as I do about The Organization. But I would most likely disagree with you if you argued with me, proclaiming that this job was fabulous, the most meaningful, and the only time I could engage in special conversations, like the ones I’ve been having, with people who appreciate The Organization, just as much as I do.

Anyway, what I was getting to is that me and my friend came to the conclusion that no matter what job you have, there will always be things to gripe about, something that bothers you, that challenges you- but really, we have it pretty good right now working for our respective Organizations. Sure, things on the road may not have been ideal at times, they may have angered or frustrated me, or challenged me on a new level. But really, if life was perfect, what would be the point of it all? I feel thankful that once again, The Organization is helping me to realize these important lessons, especially through our Ritual and through my experiences.


  1. I love when I get "jolts" of this and am feeling the love of our organization. Thanks for sharing yours with me today, because I have NOT been feeling it this week.

  2. BTW - one of your collegiate followers (Kathy) is also interested in working with the organization - great girl!

  3. Ms. World TravelerMarch 2, 2010 at 5:02 PM

    JSBH- I touched base with her last week. Believe it or not, she and I have a mutual friend via the Organization. Small world eh?

    Lexi- glad I could give you a jolt this week. Believe it or not, I needed th ejolt too, so it was perfect.

  4. Very true post. Nothing really revitalizes like Ritual. Although ours may be different, the feeling I'm sure is the same.

    It's easy to gripe, but we do have amazing jobs, no matter how bumpy the road may be at times.
