April 1, 2010

Dear Milena,

You may not know this, but I’ve mentioned you before in my musings from the road- I do hope you don’t mind! I have thought of you countless times this year and have smiled, especially when I’ve worked with a group of New Members. And more than once I have felt your presence in a part of the country I’ve never explored. You know, I knew that joining The Organization would change me. I knew I’d have an infinite network of sisters and connections upon whom I could rely. I was confident that I’d foster lasting relationships, and develop as a strong individual. And then too, there are those thoughts that almost every young sorority woman has- of finding her bridesmaids and future play date buddies, etc.. I may not have gone that far (play date far I mean), but I do know that despite our abbreviated tenure, you changed my experience and the experience of others- permanently.

Today, I want to thank you more than ever, for your unending friendship, your consistent happiness and your contagious smile. I know I’m not the only one who will always remember how much your smile could brighten a room. There are 130 other sisters from Elon who knew that specifically- your initiation day comes to mind. I’ll never forget how gorgeous you looked the day you walked down the stairs after the days ceremony, and how happy you made everyone feel, myself included. You truly understand how to shed the light of love and friendship around you, and for that, I thank you still for showing love to all. The Organization is lucky to have you, for you are a member- always.


Ms. World Traveler

**Follow this link to learn more about Milena: http://www.elon.edu/e-net/Note.aspx?id=936376