April 8, 2010

Stripes of Honor

Over the last year, I have noticed a handful of grey hairs making a stealthy appearance on my head of thick, dark brown hair. I’ve also noticed that not only are they starting to appear in greater numbers, but they don’t style the same was as other hairs, and they’re not as soft. Usually I just try and ignore the grey hair, but with my latest haircut (which I’m finally beginning to enjoy), I feel like they are all visible, all the time. This is most likely distracting during all of my meetings with women from The Organization….. they must think, “How old is this woman? She couldn’t possibly give me a good idea for our mixer. Look at all her grey hair!”

I have to credit someone else for coining the term “stripes of honor”, because although I developed the theory, he has invented the term, as per his witty self. Let me divulge. I was discussing with him the appearance of grey hair, presenting the old wives tale to him that if you pluck a grey hair, three more will sprout in its place!! Does your hair turn grey because of your genes? Or do you become a silver fox thanks to your stress level? Can you distinguish if you got them from one thing or the other? Probably not is what we decided. So, the theory.... I’d also like to think that these grey hairs represent some wisdom I’ve gained, or passed along to others, not just crappy genetics or stress. Sort of like that, because I’ve worked so hard and had some type of meaningful experience, I’ve earned this “stripe of honor” as a way of making me more illustrious, confident, successful. Have a productive meeting with the Dean of Students for The Organization- gain a stripe of honor. Put myself out there for a really fabulous job and get an interview- gain a stripe of honor. Get turned down from that really fabulous job- gain two stripes of honor and some helpful advice, and maybe a new direction too.

I may complain on occasion about these rogue hairs, but at the end of the day, I kind of appreciate their existence. I feel like it really does make me a bit more distinguished, signs also that I have truly earned these “stripes of honor” if they are truly stress related. That, or I’m destined to become a curator of my own fancy art gallery, or Cruella DeVille. I’m gonna hope it’s the former, but appreciate them all the same.

1 comment:

  1. i am impressed with your attitude. I definitely hide mine (but I also have a gazillion more than you) :)
