April 12, 2010

Save the Best for Last

You know, they say you save the best for last…. Well, my current visit is definitely an amazing group of women, true representatives of The Organization if you ask me. Overall, the group here at Fullerton is an organized, supported (and supportive), creative group of leaders. They are well rounded and beautiful, friendly and amazing hostesses. They have been a joy to work with; a truly great way to end my long journey on the road.

However, in thinking back on my last year working for The Organization, I really don’t think I could grant any particular group as being “the best.” Surely, there were groups that I enjoyed more than others, but really, it was all due in part to circumstances. Each visit was important to me in its own way. One group may have been a bit more challenging than I had anticipated, and thus, encouraged me to work harder for them. Another group may have been dealing with a particular issue, and although I may not have been able to address all concerns equally, I helped them to make some progress against all odds. I’m not going into specifics, but I will give you a nice overview of my favorite experiences:

Best Hostesses: Irvine
Best Food: Berkeley
Most Entertaining and Enjoyable: Utah
Most Challenging, but Meaningful: Oregon
Most Dynamic: Sacramento
Most Driven: Boise
Best Location: San Diego
Most Fun: Los Angeles
Most Representative of The Organization: San Luis Obispo

I had lunch with a future Patent Pumped sister today, a girl who I had the privilege of working with several times this year in Southern California. I listened intently as she described to me how excited she was for her year-long adventure living out of a suitcase. At the same time, I could relate to her nervousness and all that she was anticipating before her exciting, new job is to begin later in the summer. A year ago, I’d never even believe that I’d learn as much as I have now. I feel truly confident to take on any challenge, in any field… except for maybe rocket science. It has been quite a year, and for once, I am at a complete loss of words to describe how I’m feeling for you all.

As I prepare to give my last formal Chapter presentation, I’ve carefully brushed off my patent pumps so that they shine, especially today. My badge is secured just above my Life Loyal pin, and I’m totally sporting my stereotypical “sorority girl” pearls today. That’s right, I’m owning it and proud. My heart is definitely heavy with sadness at not returning to work with such remarkable women. But, at the same time, I find that I’m consistently thankful for the opportunities that I’ve had and the relationships I’ve cultivated thanks to my membership in The Organization.

This won't be my last post, but I'm nearing the end, just FYI. Stay tuned for updates on where this show is taking off to next. The blogging will continue- new theme, new address.


  1. uh oh, I feel some tears from this post. I feel like I took the journey with you - loved it.

    The food at Berkeley was AMAZING, and they are so "green" - I <3ed that.

    I am now dying to visit the chapter at San Luis Obispo (isn't that Kelli's home chapter from CA training? - a friend of mine from grad school rec'd her undergrad from there. She was not in the Organization, but I loved her.)

  2. what about the san francisco branch?

  3. dearest B- you talk about the amazing women you met on the road-- but it is obvious from your posts all year long that these women also got the "treat" of having you visit and share your wisdom, leadership, joy of life, your caring spirit and your love of the Organization!
    so proud of you and all you have done!
    love your mom (and fellow sister in the Organization)
