September 21, 2009

New Set of Wheels

Wow. It has been over a week since my last post. Many things have happened, so here’s the Cliff Notes version…

-I suffered through the flu and finally kicked it out of my system
-I adventured in San Francisco with my best friend- from chocolate festivals to tiki bars to the ancient Japanese practice of karaoke to albino crocodiles- I did it all!
-I went home for 2 days for the first time since July 6th

I loved going home- it was so incredibly amazing to sleep in my own bed. I was surprised at myself because quite honestly, I thought I’d manage pretty well being gone for a long time. But once I was a day away from being back in Southern California, I could hardly think about anything except for getting to see my family. I was craving that familiar smell of home (plus the left over smoke from CA wildfires, sort of) and was dying to have a glass of wine- or two.

Most importantly though, I got a new set of wheels while I was home…. And no, I do not mean a car. The next most important thing that I travel with- a new suitcase! It seems that my suitcase from 8th grade graduation had finally met its match during my last tow months of extensive travel. It has been with me on so many wonderful trips, that it was actually really hard to let it go- we’ve spanned the globe together and have gotten beaten up along the way, lost- only once, and filled to the brim, typically with shoes. Duh.

So this new suitcase…. Where do I begin to tell of its top of the line TravelPro fabulousness? I’ll just list it…
-Removable garment bag easily snaps in and out

-Expandable zipper adds 2in of extra space- great for when I want to bring extra shoes
-Sleek black exterior is scratch free and has lots of functional storage pockets
-In-line skate wheels allow the bag to zip along by your side, even in the toughest of environments

Bonus purchase info- it is the #1 choice for pilots and flight attendants AND I got an extra 20% off on my purchase. Someone is looking out for me and I thank them for keeping my shoes and back in mind while I travel.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't even occur to me that you could mean a car. Isn't that weird? I knew you meant a suitcase. I'm sure I'll be jealous, but little greenie has been all over the world with me...not ready for retirement yet.
