July 6, 2010

What I Love About Being Home

I have a post from earlier on titled, "Things I Love About the Road." Well, now it is time to tell you about the things I love about being at home. Ready?

  • Having a drawer, for anything, like jewelery, make-up, crafts, junk, etc. Everything I need is right where I need it to be.
  • Ready access to my entire wardrobe. I know, you're thinking, "Really? This is what you're excited about?" But you try living out of a suitcase for a year, and then tell me how much you missed your favorite bright blue suede pumps that you couldn't take on the road with you...
  • My bed is probably far superior to yours, and rivals every hotel bed I slept in in the last year. It is like sleeping on a cloud and I am so happy that I get to sleep in it every night.
  • Having the same parking space, every time, and always knowing where my car is, ie. outside by the mailbox.
  • The familiarity of it all, like the smell of the house when my dad cooks, or the way my room feels after a hot day in the sun.
  • They are going to think I'm fibbing, but being home with my mom and dad is awesome. They make me realize how lucky I really am. And, although I haven't quite grown accustomed to their TV preferences, I at least stick around for Jeporady and Huell Howser and watch with them.
  • Two words: Free. Laundry.
  • Getting dressed for work in the morning because a.) I have my entire closet to chose from and b.) I can ask those who are home (mom, dad and dogs) which outfit looks best. I only change like, two times in the morning. Ok, maybe three.
  • Ready access to good wine, and the right people to drink it with.
  • The Dogs, I'm finding, will never respond to me when I talk to them, but it is so nice to see them wagging their tails at me every morning when I wake up.
  • Proximity to family and friends in California is pretty grand because we are all in the same state, or I guess I mean, I'm in the same state. Visits to San Francisco or San Diego are much easier than before, and thankfully, much more frequent!

It isn't an easy transition being home, I will tell you that much, but I am thankful to have a wonderful, loving place to come home to. My patent pumps happily sit on a shelf in my closet, and are happy to trot down to Sylmar every once in a while, when I wear them to work.

Happy Belated Birthday, America!

Yes, I know this photo lacks any sign of patriotism, flashy Americana, hot dogs or fireworks, but I will tell you, it oozes Wild West, and captures the wilderness of a part of America I do love so much. Lucky me, I got to spend Independence Day with all of my favorite people (minus the Little Bug of course, who is having the time of her life in Washington State), at the Kern River, where I captured this serene scene. There's nothing better, in my opinion, then being outside and spending time with your family and friends- if the weather is good of course. Although the trip was far too short, I soaked up the sun, lounged in the icy creek, and learned quite a bit about fly fishing. In fact, did you know that on July 4th, you don't need a fishing license? Thank you Department of Fish and Game!

The patent pumps did not come out for this trip- instead, I sported sandals and yes, do I dare say... Crocs!! I swear, they are only for camping!!!