December 29, 2009


Santa may have logged more miles than I have in the last week, but I'm right there with him with spanning the globe in just under a day. And really, I haven't done my blog any justice (especially since part of its focus is traveling) because I haven't written about any of it! Between long security lines, major jet lag and the holidays, I've been just a bit- sleepy... Not to mention the lack of a cell phone or internet for two weeks. Oh my gosh was that hard- accepting the fact that I'm addicted to it and the whole not having it part.

Right before Christmas, I flew home via Barcelona -> Munich -> Los Angeles, following a wonderful journey through the Eastern Mediterranean and Egypt. Highlights of the trip included:

-seeing the Great Pyramids and Sphinx in Cairo
-exploring the city of Valletta, Malta and seeing St. Pauls Co-Cathedral in the city center, where I was pleasantly surprised to find it home to two, rare Carvaggio's
-visiting a mosque on the Muslim New Year in downtown Cairo, and then cruising down the Nile for a traditional Egyptian feast
-traveling with three adorable kids, who loved seeing all these cool places as much as I did
-hiking the Acropolis, equipped with my Art History knowledge of the ancient grounds and sharing it with others

I now write to you from the Kona Coast of the Big Island, (Hawaii, for you main land-ers) watching the whales migrate past the island with their new calves. The tropical weather is in complete contrast to what I've experienced in the last two weeks- the perfect weather to take a vacation from my vacation. Also rather amusing, I'm a full 180 degrees opposite from where I was on the planet a mere week ago. Pretty cool huh?

My objective now is to go snorkeling, turn a lovely shade of golden brown, and cheer the Oregon Ducks on as they beat Ohio on the first of the New Year- all with my family, wonderful people who I haven't seen much of this year.

2010 is looking promising and I hope you feel the same way- here's to a Happy New Year to you all, and all the best in your travels, no matter where they may take you!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

December 25, 2009

Christmas Equations

Let's see if you can do the math....

9 hours ahead of PST Time Zone
Minus 5 hours of sleep since being home 36 hours in the USA
Plus one nasty sinus infection
Multiplied by 578 pictures from the trip
Raised to the Power of the Egyptian Pyramids
Times 4 loads of laundry
Minus 5 lovely Bees, but plus 5* fantastic family members (*this number includes canines)
Divided by wrapping endless presents and consuming countless glasses of wine
And finally, squared by the fact that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world

The answer... you mean you couldn't figure it out? It was merely basic math- you get one very happy World Traveler who is incredibly thankful for family, friends and her unending pursuit of happiness.

Merry Christmas to you and yours on this day!

**This post made possible by extreme jet lag and Tylenol PM!

December 9, 2009

Bon Voyage

Ms. World traveler is taking a much needed travel vacation from traveling. I will return from Tunisia/ Greece/ Cypress/ Egpyt/ Malta/ Spain before Christmas and promise to share some photos with you when I return.

Until then, mark off your advent calendars, enjoy some Christmas music, and get into the holiday spirit by drinking mulled wine and shopping for your friends.

All my love,


How many suitcases does it take 3 chapter consultants to live in Indy for 1 weekend?

The answer.... 9.

One for clothes, one for work stuff and one for vacation stuff.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

December 6, 2009

LOCKDOWN in Survival Mode

2009 is nearing its end. I’m wrapping up reports, squeezing in last minute visits and, absolutely, irreversibly, totally and completely------ exhausted. Does that mean I’ve done something right?

So, to my other fellow Field Staffers, out there, managing the collegiate world of their respective “Organizations,” I wish you all the best as you strive to survive this burn out mode that surely all of you are experiencing. In a mere 3 days I will be back at the office and have a list longer than Santa’s Naughty AND Nice list of tasks to complete before I get there. Will Ms. World Traveler make it? Can she possibly get her act together before she even gets there? Well, plain and simple, since I’ll be out of the country for 2 weeks, I HAVE to!

Hang in there everyone- Field Staffers and students alike- wrapping up work, prepping for finals, running on little sleep- we ALL can do it. We can do it because we have to do it. Godspeed!!

December 2, 2009

Tis the Season for Thanks

Ok guys, I’m sorry I’ve been so MIA lately. Between the wonders of my Thanksgiving week off (laundry, Thanksgiving X 3, enjoying new music like John Mayer’s “Battle Studies” and Owl City)and wrapping up the end of the year (reports, reports, reports, reports), life’s been a bit, chaotic to say the least. Since November was a blur, and with the holiday season in mind, I’ve decided to write about things that I am thankful for this holiday season. However, the tricky part is to keep it in tow with the theme of this blog. A great example then would be, “I am thankful for comfortable patent pumps.” Here it goes….

Supportive family and friends: It gets tough out there on the road! It makes all the difference at the end of the day to talk to supportive friends or family. Thank you to all those who listen, console, entertain and comfort me while I’m on the road. Your phone calls and text messages make all the difference.

Umm… Employment: We don’t need a reminder of how crappy the economy is right now. I have never been more thankful to have a job in my life than right now. I don’t mean to sound like a braggart, I just feel very lucky to have great co-workers and fun chapters to work with and a fun job in general. And a paycheck bi-weekly.

Rolling Briefcase: I was skeptical at first of this rolling contraption, equating them immediately to rolling backbacks, which in 5th grade made you an absolute dork…. But, I have to say, this investment has been worth every penny. It looks so fun when all of the other consultants wheel into the office at the same time- a troupe of young women with pointed heels and permanent smiles. It makes wheeling through the airport and lugging 50lbs worth of materials so much easier.

Friends on the Road: Your boss always talks about the importance of networking, at least mine always speaks highly of it, and one of the best things about traveling is making friends on the road in the same regions as you. I’ve had a handful of these throughout the year and it has been so wonderful to talk with someone who understands your job, and is in the same position as you are. Thanks fellow field staffers!

Coffee: I don’t think there is much of an explanation needed here. Venti Iced Coffee with 2 equal and some half and half. Done.

Sisterhood: Now, this is where I may lose some of you GDI’s out there… Sometimes I forget that I work for such an amazing Organization. Between monotonous reports, or petty annoyances, things that bug you in any job, I have to remind myself what my work stands for. I have traveled for 6 months representing the values of the Organization, the same values that I held dear to my heart during my four year experience in North Carolina. Even more special, is when I leave this job, because let’s face it, I’m not going to have this job forever, those values will continue to stay with me, and hopefully, enhance other careers I have. Now THAT is something to be thankful for if you ask me. A job that shapes you, supports you, and a massive network with which I can rely upon to help me find another job.

Finally, let's be real here, my Nine West Turquoise Suede Peep-Toe Pumps: They are comfortable, they match everything (remember, my wardrobe is practically all black and white) and give me confidence. What more could a working girl ask for?

Travel Obsession #4

LL Bean Travel Carrier: I can fit all of my toiletries (and more!) in this bag. Its waterproof interior protects everything from leaks, which do occur all too often. Separate compartments allow me to stay organized. And, it has a hook so I can hang it from a shower, towel rack, closet, rebar jutting through the wall…. Just kidding. Well, sort of. BONUS!!! It has a small, waterproof, shower carrier that sits on the inside of the bag, but can be removed easily to hang up in a shower with all of your toiletries. I love functional items like this- thanks LL Bean.