September 18, 2011

Wait, You're Back? Really?

If it weren’t for the fact that I don’t currently have internet where I am living, this all would have gone up on a blog weeks ago.  Every little thing that has happened lately, I have put mental pen to mental paper and have written something amusing, witty, and memorable- for myself.  But since having moved- and sending out my “new address!” e-mail, many people have written back to me and said, “Congrats on the new job! Are you doing a blog on it like last time?” Well, if I had time to respond to those e-mails (thank you by the way!) I would have originally said, eh no.  I have to work on nailing my new job- priorities people!  But all these e-mails and suggestions and messages got me to thinking about how much I do miss writing, and what funny and interesting observations I really would like to write about.

So, that being said.  Patent Pumps are back.  Let’s lay some ground rules though, shall we?

Will the boarding passes be back too, you ask?  Well yes- sort of.  Instead of two wheels taking off and touching down on tarmack, I’ll be spending a little bit more time in my own wheels, driving about on turnpikes, tollways, freeways, country roads, you name it.  And by my own wheels, I mean my new company car.  More on that later.

What about all that anonymity like last time? Are you going to come up with codenames and aliases for people in your adventures?  I don’t know… guess you’ll have to read to find out!

Is this just going to be about your job again? I work enough and don’t really want to just read about someone else’s workload…. No way.  I’m broadening the scope a little bit.  I’ll be updating from the road, between applications (*hint hint*), before, during and after adventures.  All work and no play makes Jane a dull gal!

I promise to update as often as my schedule allows, as long as you promise to be an avid reader.  My pumps are back off the shelf, and actually, literally at the cobbler as we speak getting re-heeled.  Time to break in the patent pumps again- here we go!

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