January 10, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

… and what a hard saddle it was to get onto after practically a month off!!! To be quite honest, I was dreading heading back to work. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like when I started up again, especially after such a long break. I was anxious when it came to packing all my things up for 5 weeks, and am sure that even now, I’ve left something at home. I was a tiny bit tired of traveling, which was also a huge surprise to me, and not looking forward to living out of a suitcase. (I’ve gotten used to spreading out into a room and having ALL of my shoes to choose from in my closet.) Most nerve-racking though, was surely how many e-mails were going to be in my inbox when I turned my work computer back on.

Well, what a waste of time to be worrying about all those things! Come Saturday when I officially came back on the grid, I drove down to LAX to pick up another one of my patent pumped colleagues. It was wonderful to catch up with her, hear about her vacation and be “on the road” with another consultant. We headed down to Fullerton where we met up with another consultant and a whole group of motivated, energized and excited women from The Organization. They were on a retreat, outlining their 5-year plan, preparing for recruitment and enjoying the society of their sisters. :D I was immediately ready for work again, feeding off of their bright conversations, cheery dispositions and growing love for The Organization. What a great day back at work- I hope that kinda stuff happens for everyone!

Now I must get back to my 100+ emails... I wasn't wrong about that!


  1. Ugh. Real life. We've been there for a week now and it isn't pretty.

  2. this is the bestest:
    "enjoying the society of their sisters"

  3. I did that just for you Jenny Sue! I knew you'd like that :D
