January 20, 2010

Singing (barefoot) in the Rain

We may be able to handle forest fires and earthquakes, but the slightest drizzle and we Californians will slink away in fear. We can handle traffic on the 405, movie star governors who run the state into bankruptcy and young starlets who lead wild and crazy social lives, etc., but drizzle? Never. Well, today we had a lot more than drizzle, in fact we had torrential downpours, flash floods, mudslides and even… a tornado. I was out working on UCLA’s campus today and got caught in the torrential downpour (being reported on the news as the “STORM OF 2010” by the way). Because Southern California campuses don’t experience rain often, they don’t have good drainage systems, and because they don’t have drainage systems, the campus floods. Flooding equals puddles, and puddles mean wet shoes. Well, this world traveling, patent pump lover didn’t want to get her shoes wet today. They were canvas, with adorable zipper bows and extremely moisture absorbent, ie. super cute. SO, during today’s storms I walked over a MILE back to where I was staying, BAREFOOT, because I didn’t want to get my shoes wet. They also had no slip guard so I didn’t want to eat it in a puddle, but really, I just didn’t want to mess my shoes up. Now tell me, is that commitment or what?

On the flipside of walking home in the pouring rain and looking like a wet rat when I finally arrived back home, I did have a diet coke and a string cheese, the famous diet of a traveling consultant if you didn’t know. A mere hour later, the rain let up and the sun began shining beautifully from out behind the clouds. It looked like the picture perfect California afternoon that visitors only dream of. Perfect timing too, because as The Organizations recruitment event approached, the weather let up and people were happy again sans the rain. We Californians, we just aren’t the same without all that sunshine.

Funny to think that a mere year ago I’d be happy to brave the snow on a walk to work in a pea coat and wellington’s, but now I don’t dare go out in the rain, even if it’s drizzling. My weak California tolerance for inclement weather has returned and I love it.

Today’s lesson
: don’t forget to pack umbrella and rain coat alongside patent pumps. And maybe, don’t wear (cute) canvas shoes in the rain.

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