January 15, 2010

More than just networking...

One of my favorite parts about working for The Organization is that I’m always surrounded by people who I feel comfortable with- not just in a conversation or during a workshop, but really comfortable with- giving advice, seeking support, sharing stories, etc. The bond that we share is so reassuring, and I’m going to be both saddened and scared to work in an environment where I lose that special connection. Granted, there will always be other things which we can relate to one another with, eg. wine, travel, art, family structure, obsession with shoes, music, yada yada yada… but right now, I feel pretty special to have this unique connection at work. A very sisterly “corporate culture” if you will…..

In the last week, I’ve worked with a handful of volunteers and alumnae from The Organization who have really given a lot to the efforts here at UCLA. I’m thankful for them for their commitment, innovation, enthusiasm, but most importantly, their friendship. I know that I will not be working for The Organization forever, but I do know that these women will be my friends for longer then my tenure at the office.

Short, sweet, and to the point.

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