January 22, 2010

What I'm listening to. Right now.

You know me. I listen to the same stuff ALL the time, ie. U2, Sting, Doobie Brothers, Jimmy Buffet, John Mayer. I’m not too creative, but I know what I like so that’s good I guess. As my dear cousin would put it, “it’s time for you to crawl out from under your rock Britt and discover the real music out there.” I know. He is right. He is right all the time actually, I just don’t like arguing with him. However, thanks to him and some other musically inclined folks, I’ve discovered my new favorites for 2010 and all my time on the road.

-The Black Keys- bluesy rock with an edge. I listen to them when I’m trying to be productive.
-Owl City- I thought this one man show was maybe on acid when I first listened to him, but it’s all really upbeat and clever. I like listening to it when I’ve had a particularly rough day because it makes me so happy.
-The Stranglers- Not the greatest name, but flouncy, flowy music that is just feel good stuff. It goes with the background and fits in anywhere where you need ambient noise.
-Teddybears- Dashboard-esque. That’s all I have to say right now though. Still researching and forming my opinion of them, but enjoying them too.
-The Flaming Lips- My favorite song, “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.” Yah, when I first read that I was like… really? But it’s got a decent beat and tells a nice story. All their stuff is very laid back, just how I like my tuneage.

I’m up for more suggestions and artists to explore though, so leave me a comment if you’d like to share what your favorites are. I like everything except for really hard rock and super abstract stuff. Like I said, you know me, I’m easy going, you’d know what I’d like listening to on the road. The Organization has so many songs and they very often get stuck in my head, so I’m open to all distractions from the charming, clapping and singing and smiling that I’m exposed too on a regular basis.

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