July 6, 2010

What I Love About Being Home

I have a post from earlier on titled, "Things I Love About the Road." Well, now it is time to tell you about the things I love about being at home. Ready?

  • Having a drawer, for anything, like jewelery, make-up, crafts, junk, etc. Everything I need is right where I need it to be.
  • Ready access to my entire wardrobe. I know, you're thinking, "Really? This is what you're excited about?" But you try living out of a suitcase for a year, and then tell me how much you missed your favorite bright blue suede pumps that you couldn't take on the road with you...
  • My bed is probably far superior to yours, and rivals every hotel bed I slept in in the last year. It is like sleeping on a cloud and I am so happy that I get to sleep in it every night.
  • Having the same parking space, every time, and always knowing where my car is, ie. outside by the mailbox.
  • The familiarity of it all, like the smell of the house when my dad cooks, or the way my room feels after a hot day in the sun.
  • They are going to think I'm fibbing, but being home with my mom and dad is awesome. They make me realize how lucky I really am. And, although I haven't quite grown accustomed to their TV preferences, I at least stick around for Jeporady and Huell Howser and watch with them.
  • Two words: Free. Laundry.
  • Getting dressed for work in the morning because a.) I have my entire closet to chose from and b.) I can ask those who are home (mom, dad and dogs) which outfit looks best. I only change like, two times in the morning. Ok, maybe three.
  • Ready access to good wine, and the right people to drink it with.
  • The Dogs, I'm finding, will never respond to me when I talk to them, but it is so nice to see them wagging their tails at me every morning when I wake up.
  • Proximity to family and friends in California is pretty grand because we are all in the same state, or I guess I mean, I'm in the same state. Visits to San Francisco or San Diego are much easier than before, and thankfully, much more frequent!

It isn't an easy transition being home, I will tell you that much, but I am thankful to have a wonderful, loving place to come home to. My patent pumps happily sit on a shelf in my closet, and are happy to trot down to Sylmar every once in a while, when I wear them to work.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying being home. I hope you're doing well!
