August 20, 2009

Making my connection, or re-connection for that matter

So this whole “write on your blog everyday” thing hasn’t really happened. The combination of the amazing sights of Boulder and the chaos at work has kept me particularly busy. At least, that’s what I’m going to blame it on this time. See how hard I’m working? It was tough hiking out to that stream…

Today I watched the women in Boulder experience hypochondriasis, ie. one case of Swine Flu was reported and a slew of individuals suddenly came down with the symptoms. I myself thought that maybe I had a little fever, but I think it was from yelling all day to encourage smiling, loud singing and perfect bumping For those of you GDI’s out there, I should just tell you that these are recruitment terms- don’t worry. Six cases have come and gone from the doctor this evening, only one case actually being confirmed. So far. Hopefully we keep it that way…

Outside of the day to day activities, this week has been a week of reconnecting. There is an indescribable joy in getting back in tough with someone you once loved. Who knows why you even become disconnected with these people in the first place. This week, I’ve had a tough time remembering why in fact our connections fizzled out in the first place. Was it physical distance? Time? Did our values and interests change? There’s a million answers I’m sure of it. Regardless though, it has been a wonderful week to discover these friends and hear about their lives again. Things in part have been brought full circle, perhaps even reopened again.

This gets me thinking about The Organization- a familiar theme running through my head these days. Most days actually. I think what I’ve enjoyed the most about it so far, especially in my job, is getting the chance to meet so many interesting people who are in some way connected to The Organization. Whether they are lifetime members, or committed volunteers, they share a passion for creating an experience and making a mark. The relationships that are cultivated in response are ones based upon shared experiences, similar motivations and values, and an overall drive to make difference in the lives of others. These are priceless relationships, and they are the people who cause you to stick around, even when things get tough. Equally wonderful, through our lifetime engagement with The Organization, the relationships that I’ve come to cherish so much, are bound to stay connected forever because of the nature of our work. What a cool organization to be a part of?

I think I just re-recruited myself; a sign that the workshops I facilitated this week totally worked. At least on me anyway.

1 comment:

  1. and I am so glad that "The organization" connected us.. I look forward to following your blog!
