August 31, 2009

Water World

So, I've traveled to a fair amount of places so far and feel like now I can finally post this observation...

In doing this job so far, I have found that there are three things that help get you through the day:
1.) morning cup of coffee- often times, multiple cups are best
2.) afternoon Diet Coke- a necessity. No Diet Coke = grouchy consultant
3.) refillable water bottle- stay hydrated, stay healthy

This morning I took a swig from my refillable water bottle (from Target- $9.99- totally cute!) and immediately spit out the water. It was disgusting. The lats time I had filled it was yesterday afternoon. Perhaps it had gone bad? Doubtful. I emptied it out, cleaned the bottle regardless, and refilled it. I took a cautious swig and again, the water was disgusting. It was almost brassy, or tasted like pennies had been resting in the bottom of my bottle. I looked- no pennies.

Each city I've traveled to has had different tasting water- which is weird in and of itself because water is relatively tasteless, it just quenches your thirst. Anyway, I've been waiting to blog about this- I know, water, not exciting- but have been jotting notes about the water I've been tasting in various cities.

Los Angeles, CA- very mineral-ey, smooth finish though. Likely due to my home filtration system.
Indianapolis, IN- sandy and stale tasting, floating particles make it a particular sight!
Lawrence, KS- metalic aftertaste, but always cold. Not good at all when combine dwith Crystal Light.
Boulder, CO- the best I've had so far- literally tasted like it came right from a mountain spring. Ice cold and fresh.
Warrenton, VA- tinny, like you have tinfoil in your mouth.

Believe it or not, there are organizations that give out awards for the best tasting water.... it's like wine tasting for non-drinkers. I talked to some of the girls that I'm working with in Utah and they all agreed with me surprisingly- meaning I'm not completely crazy. They said they all came from different states to come here and like the water in Utah over their hometowns. Interesting. I'm gonna stick with Boulder's water for now.


  1. Please come to Waco...Waco water is famed for being strange tasting. Please see this article:

    I have a water from the fountain for me!

  2. Comment #2:

    1. You get to go to Hawaii?

    2. I love the picture with the rolling suitcase.

  3. I'm thinking it may be your water bottle that's making your water taste so weird. I had one of those and after a few times it started to taste like metal. Although I'm not discounting the fact that water tastes different in other places...but maybe it's the bottle and the way you're washing it. Who knows! But such interesting observations! Keep them coming!

  4. i can relate on the diet coke must have.. i keep a case in the fridge at the chapter house during recruitment!
